
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa

One of my great pleasures is working with so many different people and groups. I also love the chance interraction with strangers that can shape the way some of my projects work. I’m currently engaged in several, long outcome projects that have a global reach. They all require the assistance of strangers, whether that be as models or contributors in other ways. There are many ways you can collaborate with me in my practice so please see the projects listed below if you are interested. If you have your own collaborative ideas for projects you may like to involve me in then please feel free to email or phone to seek my interest.

Current Projects

Sands of Time – I’m currently collecting sand from every country in the world to make a sculpture. This is completely reliant on lovely people around the world sending me sand or bringing some back from their holidays. All I need is a sandwhich bag or jam jar sort of quantity. All donations gratefully received. Consider yourself a patron of tha arts. Don’t ask me what I’m going to do with it coz that would be telling, wouldn’t it?!

Message in a Bottle – In 2007 I cast three bottles adrift at different points across the Atlantic Ocean. Inside were messages and instructions on how to return the bottles to me and claim a $100 reward. One washed up in the Bahamas in 2009 and another in the Azores in 2012. There’s still one out there soewhere so if you could use $100 start searching your local beaches. Visit the project page for more information.

Volcanologist Needed – I’m planning a project which involves flowing volcanic lava. So I need a volcano, a volcano expert and probably a lot of money. First things first – if you have a volcano I can borrow and know how to use it please get in touch.

Digital Artist Needed – I would like to work with a digital artist to produce artworks based on the data sets from The Great Wall of Vagina. Whether this be using graphic elements, sound or other media is all up for discussion. If that sound amusing lets talk…

Prehistoric Art and Anthropology – I have a great interest in the beginnings of art and how image and mark making came into being and in how many ancient human species. I would like to work with a researcher or institution to explore this some more and who may be interested in looking at this through the eyes of an artist.

Themed Group Exhibitions – If you are a professional artist, anywhere in the world, who is exploring similar themes found in my work and would like to consider dual or group exhibitions please get in touch with a proposal.