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Free The Nipple!!!

Free the nipple Brighton

Free The Nipple!!!

Free the nipple Brighton


We’re Nippling Brighton!!

(Watch video here)

22nd June

We’re sticking the nipple fridge magnets above all over town on Saturday and taking part in the Free The Nipple Brighton walk on the seafront. Look out for them – collect the set – social media the hell out of it!!

Each one has a ‘FREE THE NIPPLE’ sticker on the back so it makes sense to all the people who are going to nick them for their fridges…

The Free The Nipple Campaign is a movement which seeks equality for women to go topless should they wish to, free from harassment and legal problems. The campaign has extended to social media where men’s nipples are allowed but women’s are banned. The censorship appears to be applied randomly and without sensible guidelines so artworks showing bare breasts are often removed and the poster’s profiles senselessly deleted. This leads to emotionally difficult isolation from their online community which we feel is an absurd and draconian reaction to something as mundane as a nipple. Censorship of any kind, particularly of the arts, sets a dangerous precedent and should only be applied in extreme circumstances. We believe in equality. We believe in #freethenipple and #freethenipplebrighton


We’d like to thank for supplying our eco-friendly paper stickers! 🙂



To celebrate our campaign we’re offering a 10% discount on all casts which feature nipples (men’s or women’s) booked before June 30th. (The casting can be done any time before the end of December).





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